incident Investigations

Investigating incidents, and near misses is important part of a Health and Safety Management System.

By identifying the root causes and then putting in place appropriate controls, an organization can prevent future injury, loss of productivity, and property damage. Incident investigations are also a key part of legislative compliance.

The key terms for these investigations are the following:

  • Accident: undesired event that results in physical harm to a person or damage to property.

  • Incident: unplanned, undesired event that adversely affects the completion of a task.

  • Near Miss: undesired event that under slightly different circumstances, could have resulted in personal harm, property damage, or loss. (Partnership in Injury Reduction)

According to OHS, certain injuries and incidents must be reported to the Government of Alberta such as:

  • Fatality

  • Admitted to hospital

  • Explosion, fire or flood causes serious injury or potential

  • Collapse or upset of crane, derrick, or hoist

  • Collapse of building or structure

  • Near Miss with potential for serious loss

SDS professionals have assisted many clients in completing investigations with onsite supervisors. Additionally SDS has qualified trainers who conduct incident investigation courses. Such training is indispensable in order to effectively investigate and document accidents, incidents, and near misses.